I am writing today about a dear person who has just succumbed to his cancer and passed away just last week. That’s some serious stuff… a very sobering thought for me.
In my amped up, and at times “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”. Positivity (see Mary Poppins), I forget completely that death is the risk in this chapter in the journey of my life. I have to say that it is something that I have not even considered, yet it is there back in the shadows…looming a bit and watching and judging…is it time yet or not. Of course, in my belief, it is not something that I consider and fully believe and expect the most positive outcome in my case.
Back to my friend. We only met a few times in the past. But in these past 6 months his wife and I have been in contact creating a little support for each other. For me, it has been inspiring to know of his bravery and strength in the face of his dis-ease despite all of his pain and discomforts. It has struck me deeply as we both started with similar situations but his cancer moved in a direction that I am profoundly grateful that mine has not taken. And through it all, he maintained a hope and kept his fight to the end and was able to leave this life in grace and love.
I have to say that there are so many heroes that we encounter in our lives. In dealing with cancer, I meet them every day. People that suffer deeply and in silence, but somehow they keep up and even maintain a hope in the face of the worst odds. That is the beauty of the human spirit. That sometimes, when things are darkest, we can stand like beacons of light in the night lighting the path that others may find their way….even when they may not be aware of where the light is coming from.
Today, I want to honor Tony and so many that have succumbed to their cancer and to all the loved ones that stand by them through their journey. I will be brief today as I don’t want to dwell on the morose but want to remember the great souls we encounter every day. God bless you Tony and may your journey “home” be filled with love and light.