Teacher Training
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Borgo hosts annual KRI Certified Level One, Level Two and Level Three Trainings. Sada Sat Kaur and Sada Sat Singh have been teaching for over 35 years and share their mastery and deep wisdom of these teachings in a fun and upbeat way. Become a Teacher in a sacred, ancient setting where spiritual seekers have meditated for over 100 years.
KRI Level One Certification Program in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®
The Aquarian Teacher™
2020 Level One Teacher Training & Advanced Study With Sada Sat Kaur At the Yoga Borgo, Umbria, Italy
Three Weeks of Residential Immersion Teacher Training over 6 Months at the Yoga Borgo in Umbria, Italy
One week each meeting:
June 12-20; August 7-15; November 6-14, 2020
“If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.” -Yogi Bhajan
International Lead Trainer and Master Teacher Sada Sat Kaur will guide you in this amazing journey of three one-week immersions, ashram living and personal transformation. You will fine-tune your growth, move closer to the center of your own heart and become the best version of yourself through her loving guidance and wisdom.
Sada Sat Kaur will be joined by KRI Lead Trainer Siri Ram Kaur (Italy), and KRI Professional Trainer Siri Guru Dev Kaur (Sweden).
Deepen your personal practice and broaden your knowledge and skills of Kundalini Yoga in the company of people like yourself, committed to growth and motivated by love. Teacher Training is open to aspiring teachers, existing teachers, and to those who simply want to deepen their experience.
Teacher Training at the Yoga Borgo is an experience in yogic life. Courses are kept small to provide a cozy and personal learning environment. You will form lasting relationships with people from all over the world as you share in ashram life filled with yoga, delicious vegetarian food, and the rhythm of living with fellow yogis. Each week of the course will be an opportunity to leave the distractions of daily life behind and to focus within yourself as you move from the past into your bright future.
Register for Level 1 Teacher Training in 2 easy steps
Step 1: Submit Your Deposit to Hold Your Place for the Course
NOTE: The below “Buy Now” button is only if you wish to use Paypal for your deposit. To use a different method of payment or to pay your accommodations fee please contact us.
Step 2: Registration Form

KRI Level Two Certification Program in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®
1-week Residential Immersion
September 12-19, 2020
Mind and Meditation
At the Yoga Borgo in Umbria, Italy
With Master Teacher Sada Sat Kaur
and Lead Trainer Jai Kartar Kaur
“Conquer your mind and you conquer the world”
-Guru Nanak
For six amazing days, through meditation, kriya, group work, and powerful video classes you will transform yourself, the relationship to your mind, and your practice of meditation, to be kind, aware, genuine, and successful
Key Topics:
- Enhance the depth of your understanding of meditation and deepen your practice
- Focus on and evolve your relationship to your own mind
- Increase your ability to observe neutrally, to become still, to clear your mind of distractions and intrigues, to recognize when you establish a state of shuniya and to recognize the different functional parts of your mind
- Awaken your heart and your connection the Infinite Mind and all beings
This course is presented in interactive learning environments. You will explore topics and discuss them with other students in both small and large groups. You will have the opportunity to practice meditations deeply over an extended time. You will test and observe the application of these techniques and attitudes in your life.
The peace, beauty, and harmony of the ancient Yoga Borgo, Sada Sat Kaur’s Ashram home, will surround you and support your self-exploration and transformation. The Yoga Borgo was founded as a house of prayer 1700 years ago and is on the famous pilgrim path and nature reserve known as “The Bocca Trabaria”.
This course is open to everyone: those who have completed KRI Level One Teacher Training, Aquarian Teachers, Yoga Students, Yoga Teachers, and everyone wanting to understand and gain awareness and understanding about the Mind and Meditation. Anyone can attend this course for non-certification credit. For those students desiring Level 2 credit for the course, there is a Level 1 pre-requisite.
Sada Sat Kaur began practicing Kundalini Yoga in 1970 and also studied Naad Yoga (the Yoga of Sound) directly with Yoga Bhajan. She is known the world over through her teaching, and her CDs Angels’ Waltz, Shashara, and Mantra Masala. Sada Sat Kaur travels worldwide to bring the power and transformational energy of chanting and Kundalini Yoga to people everywhere. She is also a homeopath and holistic practitioner. The Yoga Borgo, her ashram home in Umbria, Italy, is the realization of the dream of Sada Sat Kaur and Sada Sat Singh: to create a welcoming, sacred, heart-centered place for seekers and practitioners on the spiritual path.
Jai Kartar Kaur relocated to Ireland from California in 2002. She has been actively sharing the teachings of Kundalini yoga throughout Ireland ever since. She is a KRI lead trainer and founded the Kundalini Yoga Teacher’s Association of Ireland in 2005. She is the founder and events coordinator of the Irish Kundalini Yoga Gathering.
Register and pay in full 14 August 2020 and save!
Course Fees:
*300€ initial deposit required to hold your spot in the course
Instruction and course materials:
Early discount price: 720€ if all fees are paid by 14 August 2020
Regular price: 835€ after 14 August 2020
425€ – This fee includes your accommodations in a shared room, and amenities.
Payment may be made directly to our bank or via Paypal. Please let us know which method you prefer and we will send you details.
Travel Arrangements:
Dates of the course include your arrival and departure dates.
Arrival: Plan to arrive by 17:00 / 5pm on the first date of the course (12 Sept 2020)
Departure: After breakfast by 11:00 / 11am on the last date of the course (19 Sept 2020)
Register for Level 2 Teacher Training in 2 easy steps
Step 1: Submit Your Deposit to Hold Your Place for the Course
NOTE: The below “Buy Now” button is only if you wish to use Paypal for your deposit. To use a different method of payment or to pay your accommodations fee please contact us.
Step 2: Registration Form

No Level Three training is planned at this time.