
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is known as the Yoga of Awareness. It is a comprehensive form of yoga that includes postures, breathing techniques, meditation, mantra, and relaxation. It is in the Raj Yoga tradition and encompasses the eight limbs of yoga of the great yogi and sage, Patanjali.
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® focuses is on self-awareness and self-empowerment to give you an experience of consciousness and to help you manifest your greatest potential in life.
The technology of Kundalini Yoga is a science of the mind and body, to elevate the spirit and to create health and vitality. Kundalini Yoga is universal and open to all.
Naad Yoga
Naad means “the essence of all sound,” the vibrational harmony of the Infinite. Naad Yoga is based on the experience of how sound vibrations affect the body, mind, and spirit through the movement of the tongue and mouth, and changes in the chemicals of the brain. When we consciously regulate the sounds we make through the use of mantra, breath, and rhythm, we can produce profound effects on our health and well-being. The ability we have to affect our immune system through our thoughts and emotions has been scientifically documented. Mantra, rhythm, and breath used together can create a healing response in the immune system.
Yoga Lifestyle
Take your yoga “off the mat”. Yoga can be much more than the postures we may do in our practice. Depending on how much we want to bring “union” or “one-ness” into our life, we can bring the lessons of yoga into every part of daily living. Everything from healthy eating to a happy mind, we can lead the yogic lifestyle off the mat.
As we become more conscious and more sensitve, life transforms. Through living a yogic life, we can carry this transformation into all aspects of life…business, success, relationships, family, communication..everything. Yoga can be a comprehensive lifestyle that allows our spirit to shine in every facet of life. Life then reflects the beauty and grace of yoga in all that we do. We can live as healthy, happy and whole people…bountiful, blissful and beautiful.
Everything you need to know about the yoga lifestyle: From how to sleep well at night and wake up in the morning, to tips for a healthy diet and happy mind, check here for what you need to know about leading the yogic life off the mat.
Yoga Wellness
Feel Great at Every Stage of Life
Yoga Wellness is a holistic, individualized program for feeling great at every stage of life through Kundalini Yoga, diet, lifestyle, and meditation.
In yoga, Wellness is the union of our three-part self: Body, Mind and Spirit. We can experience total Wellness by balancing these three parts of us. If one area is weak or compromised, then we have the ability to compensate for that weakness with strengths from the other areas. That is the power and gift of our Body, Mind and Spirit.
In Yoga Wellness we strengthen and balance our physical systems and develop an awareness of the effect that our habits have upon us. This foundation gives us the ability to master our Mind and let our Spirit shine.
Wellness is very individualized. There is not a perfect state or a set program that each of us can fit into. There is no “one size fits all”. Our bodies and health histories are unique. What works well for one person often does not necessarily work well for another. It is possible to be healthy, to be happy and to be whole by experiencing and experimenting with what works best for you.
In today’s fast paced lifestyles and information overload, we face ever increasing levels of stress, interrupted or poor sleep, challenging relationships, digestive dis-ease, difficulty concentrating…the list is long and growing…we all know the drill. And, there is a way to live with ease and joy every day.
Yoga Wellness will help you reach abundant health and ease on all levels through yoga, diet, lifestyle, and meditation.
Compassion, Kaizen, and Sustainability:
As we explore each of our facets of Body, Mind and Spirit in achieving our Wellness, I have found it is good to keep a few things in mind to maintain a healthy perspective in our experience. Practice with compassion. Compassion for ourselves and compassion for others. Wellness is not a competition of ourself against ourself or a comparative competition with others. Let go of the burden of judgment and criticism and be open to love and acceptance. This brings better results and ones that we can enjoy.
Second, embrace the Japanese concept of Kaizen. Kaizen literally means, “change for the better”. Typically it is the practice of continuous small improvements. Great results can come from many small changes accumulated over time. You do not have to change everything at once to achieve good and even great results.
Remember “Sustainability”. Can you sustain the changes you are creating and can you maintain them in your life? Or does our program become a one time thing that is quickly lost or forgotten shortly after starting it. In the long term as stated in the Aesop’s fable of the Tortoise and the Hare, “slow and steady wins the race.”
Yoga Wellness will guide you to your optimum health and help you to sustain it through time.
Feel your best at every stage of your life…

For practitioners of all levels of Kundalini Yoga, My Kundalini App contains a full array of Kundalini Yoga sets taught by Yogi Bhajan. An all-in-one tool for your daily yoga. Our first App, is called “Physical Training Manual”. It is a collection of 25 never before published yoga sets that Yogi Bhajan taught at his ranch in New Mexico in the summers of 1993 and 1994.
In this series Yogi Bhajan focuses on a very rigorous, energetic, challenging, boot camp approach to Physical Training. These classes were held on his lawn at the ranch and he called them “Morning PT.” They are a wonderful, playful combination of Calisthenics style Yoga that fulfill Yogi Bhajan’s credo that everyday we must sweat, meditate and laugh!
Yogi Bhajan said about the Physical Training series, “These exercises are very, very simple, extremely dynamic and will relieve you of all dis – ease possibilities. We work on the Chakras, we work on the organs and we work on the nervous system.”