Yoga & Meditation

3 Favorite Reasons Why We Don’t Meditate
Most of us know that it is good to meditate but often we miss taking the time, to sit still and have the experience of deeply connecting to our self. So, what keeps us from meditating? Here are some favorite excuses. I don’t have time! Did you know there are 1,440 minutes in a day? […]

Yogi Tea
You have probably seen packaged Yogi Tea in its many delicious flavors on the shelf at your natural food store or grocery market. Here is how you can easily make it from scratch! The spices are known in Ayurveda to help improve digestion, purify the blood, improve immune fitness, ward off intestinal parasites, and increase […]
Sada Sat Singh

Renewal in the Garden of Life: Food for the body, Food for the soul
Apricots Aplenty in the Yoga Borgo Garden Well, it’s been awhile since my last blog contribution. It’s been a tough summer for me. I am happy to say that I have for now finished my chemo after 9 months of it. There is really no description of it other than “gnarly” which is American slang […]