
Yoga & Meditation

Global Kriya January 1-11, 2016

Global Kriya January 1-11, 2016

As 2015 comes to a close we think back with gratitude and loving memories of seeing so many of you here at the Yoga Borgo and in our travels. We feel deeply blessed by the coziness you shared with us here at home, and by your welcoming hearts as we traveled throughout the world. The […]


Two Quick and Cool Summer Salads

Two Quick and Cool Summer Salads

Two Quick and Cool Summer Salads Cucumber Dill Salad Zucchini Carpaccio with Lemon, Olive Oil and Chives Summer has been gloriously hot this year. We are loving it and taking the opportunity to eat lots of cool and refreshing food that needs no stove, no oven, and very little time to prepare…so we can spend […]

Sada Sat Singh